

About Campusa

Digital Campusa is taking over from the print edition bearing the same name that the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country began to publish in 2000. So Campusa has been turned into an electronic medium of communication focussing on the UPV/EHU's activities and news, and its target readership comprises the university community (Teaching and Research Staff, Administrative and Services Staff, and students) and the media.

So Campusa is the UPV/EHU's electronic medium of communication. From a journalistic perspective, it reports on the university's news and activities, and endeavours to foster internal communication in the interests of spreading knowledge about and getting closer to the university community's different sensibilities and sectors; it thus becomes a showcase to spread what we are and what we do, with particular emphasis on research.

With these aims in mind, our target readership is the university community and the media. That does not mean, as is obvious with a medium like the internet, that Campusa is not open to the world, and anyone can access it from the most faraway places. Furthermore, to complement the activity of the UPV/EHU's Communication Office, Campusa is also being turned into an "information agency" where the media can find material for their news, programmes, etc.

The information published is divided into five sections:

  • Communiqués: to include news and press releases generated by the UPV/EHU's communication office.
  • Cathedra: editorial articles.
  • Features: all kinds of interviews and reportages.
  • News: day-to-day events in university activity, such as functions, presentations, inaugurations, etc.
  • Research: to cover the university's research activity.

A space (Events) to publicise all kinds of activities organised at the UPV/EHU is also being opened: Congresses, symposia, cultural and sports activities, etc.

Campusa is a bilingual publication and is therefore posted in the Basque Country's two official languages. There may be exceptions to this general criterion, as in the case of news about research which will also be published in English, or the interviews or editorial articles that would be published in the language in which they were given/written.