Noticias sobre el coronavirus

Spain extends authorizations to stay and reside and/or work

Fecha de primera publicación: 15/05/2020

As published on May 18th in the BOE, the Spanish Government published the SND / 421/2020 order, which entered into force on the same day, and adopts measures relating to the extension of authorizations to stay and reside and/or work and other situations of foreigners in Spain, in application of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, declaring a state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19.

This order collects information of utmost importance for international students in Spain, in relation to the validity and renewal of their stay authorizations for studies during the state of alarm. The Erasmus Spanish National summarizes the most important points from the decree:

  • The authorizations to stay for studies, student mobility, non-work practices or volunteer services provided for in the immigration regulations, whose validity expires during the state of alarm and its successive extensions, or has expired in the ninety calendar days prior to the date on which it was decreed, will be automatically extended, without the need to issue an individual resolution for each of them by the Immigration Office.
  • The automatic extension will start the day after the expiration of the authorization and will last until six months have elapsed since the end of the alarm state.
  • The validity of foreigner identity cards whose validity would have expired during the state of alarm, as well as in the ninety calendar days prior to the date it was issued, will be automatically extended for the same period as the authorizations.
  • Holders of stay authorizations for studies who are abroad may enter Spain with the presentation of their valid travel document and the expired foreign identity card.

For more information, you can consult the complete order at the following link (only in Spanish):