Academic Secretary

Academic Secretary


Aitor Zurimendi Isla (Curriculum vitae)

Contact data

Secretary: Begoña Rodríguez

Location: Rectorate Building

Postal address:
Sarriena, s/n
48940 Leioa (Bizkaia)

Areas of authority

Carrying out the functions envisaged in Article 187 of the Articles of Association.

The Secretary General is responsible for the legal framework and for monitoring the legality of the actions of the university; for creating, modifying, eliminating and handling the legal framework of the various structures of the university, without prejudice to the fact that other vice-rectorates may be attached to same in the course of their activities. Under his management, legal assistance is provided to the various governing and representative bodies of the university and e-administration is developed in coordination with the Vice-Rector of Digital Transformation and Communication.

He is also responsible for designing and implementing policies on gender equality and non-discrimination on grounds of gender or other circumstances that apply across the board to all university activities: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, science dissemination and management.

The Secretary General is the official representative of the university to the public authorities on judicial and administrative matters and its legal representative, without prejudice to the scope of authority of other areas. He is responsible for taking the initiative in links between the university and the Defender of the People [Spanish Ombudsman], the Ararteko [Basque Ombudsman], the Basque Data Protection Agency and Aldezle, and drives and coordinates the actions of all services in this regard.