Vice Rector of the Alava Campus

Vice Rector of the Alava Campus


Manoli Igartua Olaechea (Curriculum vitae)

Contact data

Secretary:  Delia Vilchez   

Location: Vice-Rectorate of the Álava Campus

Postal address:
Comandante Izarduy, 2
01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz

Areas of authority

Campus Vice-Rectors represent the university at ceremonies for the taking up of positions and receptions for permanent teaching and research staff at their respective campuses, acting by delegation from the Rector. They hold the authority and carry out the functions set out in Article 197 and 198 of the Articles of Association and handle such matters within their operational areas as may be decentralised at campus level.

This includes the following:

  • Fostering and organising sports and cultural activities on the campus.
  • Academic organisation of the "School of Continuing Education" initiative.
  • In the general policy framework of the university, and in cooperation with public and private-sector organisations in the Historical Territory where the campus is located, research is fostered and promoted into entrepreneurial activity and the creation of businesses, and into activities associated with volunteering, development cooperation and environmental awareness, with particular attention on improving the provision of university transportation.
  • Designing and development of policies to increase the range of university halls of residences available.
  • Designing and management of assistance services (Article 154 of the Articles of Association) to facilitate the all-round development of university life on campus which are not allocated to other vice-rectorates, striving to cater for persons with special needs.