Vice Rector for Research

Vice Rector for Research


Inmaculada Arostegui Madariaga (Curriculum vitae)

Contact data

Secretary: Cristina Gómez          

Location: Rectorate Building

Postal address:
Sarriena, s/n
48940 Leioa (Bizkaia)

Areas of authority

  • Programming and fostering research at the UPV/EHU.
  • UPV/EHU participation in research activities and calls promoted or set up by all manner of public and private sector bodies at domestic and international levels.
  • Assessment of research work by teaching staff.
  • General Services for Research Scientific Infrastructures.
  • University library, documentary resources and access to scientific information.
  • Ethics in Research.
  • Decisions on aid programmes for research.
  • Commencement and monitoring of procedures for hiring of new research staff and extending current arrangements, plus trainee researchers with funding based on projects, agreements and direct subsidies.
  • Representing the university at institutions on whose governing bodies the UPV/EHU sits (basically RVCTI), without prejudice to specific cases in which this task falls to other vice-rectorates.
  • Representing the university and working with public and private sector organisations to foster research, knowledge transfer and innovation without prejudice to specific cases in which this task falls to other vice-rectorates.
  • University institutes and other research structures at the UPV/EHU, in coordination with the Vice-Rectorate for Scientific and Social Development & Knowledge Transfer.
  • Signing agreements and covenants in her field, as envisaged in the specific regulations, with public and private sector organisations to promote research, knowledge transfer and innovation n coordination with the Vice-Rectorate for Scientific and Social Development & Knowledge Transfer.