Vice-Rector of Postgraduate Studies and Continuous Education

Vice-Rector of Postgraduate Studies and Continuous Education


Montse Maritxalar Anglada (Curriculum vitae)

Contact data

Secretary: Arantxa Muñoz

Location: Julianategi building. Vice-Rectorate

Postal address:
Paseo de Arriola, 2
20018 Donostia (Gipuzkoa)

Areas of authority

The Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Studies and Continuing Education is responsible for checking and authorising syllabuses and teaching plans for official and internal postgraduate qualifications , and for entering qualifications in the Register of Universities, Centres and Qualifications (RUTC). Under her direction, the said qualifications will be monitored to promote improvements in vectors of employability, internationalisation and teaching innovation in the case of official qualifications, in coordination with other vice-rectorates.

She will also take responsibility for authorising syllabuses and teaching plans for university specialisms, university extension diplomas and expert diplomas at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and other continuing education courses such as "experience classrooms", plus non-continuous courses such as supplementary courses.

The management of the said syllabuses and teaching plans, with the exception of those expressly allocated to other areas, will fall under the authority of this vice-rectorate, as will the approval of the relevant management regulations for the said studies and for PhD studies. She will also monitor all such actions derived from and related to the said teaching as may be required or envisaged under the relevant regulations, involving institutions or administrative authorities, or requests from third parties with an interest in the matter.

Finally, she will promote relations with public and private sector bodies and professional associations to detect and respond to needs for continuing education, encouraging online teaching and the development and updating of eCampus.