Vice Rector of Teaching and Research Staff

Vice Rector of Teaching and Research Staff


Federico Recart Barañano (Curriculum vitae)

Contact data

Secretary: Maria José Elorriaga             

Location: Rectorate Building

Postal address:
Sarriena, s/n
48940 Leioa (Bizkaia)

Areas of authority

Framework covering the various types of teaching and research staff

  • Selection, training & promotion
  • Appointment & hiring
  • Rights & obligations
  • Remuneration
  • Compatibilities
  • Academic, administrative & employment-related situations
  • Permits & licences
  • Termination of links with the University of the Basque Country

Teaching work & teaching & research staff

  • Planning & management of the teaching & research staff
  • Coordination of allocation of teaching
  • Monitoring of teaching