Vice-Rector of Undergraduate Studies and Teaching Innovation

Vice-Rector of Undergraduate Studies and Teaching Innovation


Laura Vozmediano Sanz (Curriculum vitae)

Contact information

Secretary: Sorkunde Sánchez           

Location: Edificio Aulario II

Postal address:
Sarriena, s/n
48940 Leioa (Bizkaia)

Areas of responsibility

Undergraduate Studies

  • Relations between the UPV/EHU and centres that provide pre-university education.
  • University access exams.
  • Academic information and academic management of official undergraduate studies, except those specifically allocated to other areas.
  • Issuing of degree certificates, academic transcripts, and Europass Diploma Supplements for official undergraduate studies.
  • Coordination of those functions in the academic area which are allocated to other vice-rectorates.
  • Management of official calls for grant applications for official undergraduate studies.
  • Requests for verification and authorisation for establishing and supressing undergraduate degrees and their registration in the Register of Universities, Centres and Qualifications (RUTC).
  • Monitoring and accreditation of official undergraduate degree studies, fostering improvements in the vectors of employability, internationalisation and teaching innovation in coordination with other involved vice-rectorates.
  • Attachment of centres to the UPV/EHU for the provision of undergraduate studies, and coordination and monitoring of those centres.
  • All such actions derived from and related to official undergraduate studies as may be required or envisaged under the relevant regulations, involving institutions or administrative authorities, or requests from third parties with an interest in the matter.

Teaching Innovation

  • Support in assessing the quality of processes at centres or organisational units, as well as of teaching/learning processes on the studies offered by the UPV/EHU.
  • Training of teaching and research staff in line with the strategic objectives of the university and in coordination with the vice-rectorate responsible for teaching and research staff.
  • Implementing and disseminating innovation programmes aimed to improve the areas of teaching innovation, internationalisation, and employability, in coordination with other vice-rectorates.
  • Designing the assessment of teaching performance.
  • Training in quality management and dissemination of results and best practices.
  • Relations with quality agencies.